After the first clashes of the WTCOC 2021 we want to clarify a small aspect of the rules.
In the section “Which third-party tools are allowed?” we were referring to the type of help that could be resorted to when playing games. In this we make it very clear that only the mind and a blank paper and pencil can be used to carry the count of tiles; any kind of computer aid, whether automatic or semi-automatic, is prohibited. In this sense, that of having help when playing, we want to emphasize that players can not communicate with anyone else, whether on the team or not when playing games; they have to play alone. That is why we have added this point to the regulation:
- Help through hints or any other way from team members or other people during the match is not allowed. Each player has to play their games on their own
Després dels primers enfrontaments del WTCOC 2021 volem aclarir un petit aspecte de les normes.
En l’apartat “Which third-party tools are allowed?” fèiem referència al tipus d’ajuda al que es podia recórrer en jugar les partides. En aquest deixem molt clar que només es pot fer servir la ment i un paper en blanc i llapis per portar el recompte de llosetes; quedant prohibit qualsevol mena d’ajut informàtic, fos automàtic o bé semi automàtic.
En aquest sentit, el de comptar amb ajudes a l’hora de jugar, volem remarcar que els jugadors no es poden comunicar amb ningú més, sigui de l’equip o no a l’hora de jugar les partides; han de jugar sols. Per això hem afegit aquest punt al reglament:
- Help through hints or any other way from team members or other people during the match is not allowed. Each player has to play their games on their own