Catalunya 3 – Regne Unit 2
Ahir dimecres es va donar el tret de sortida el mundial de Carcassonne per equips online. A les 8 de la tarda va començar el matx inaugural: Espanya-Guatemala, però el … Llegiu més
Clarification on the rules: Team talks are forbidden during games
After the first clashes of the WTCOC 2021 we want to clarify a small aspect of the rules. In the section “Which third-party tools are allowed?” we were referring to … Llegiu més
Meet the streamers of WTCOC 2021
These are the official streamers of WTCOC 2021. You can access their channels through the following link: Click here
Ready, set, go! A guide for captains, players and spectators
Starting today, the WTCOC kicks off and the first round matches may be played. For this reason we want to remind everybody of some points of interest about the competition. … Llegiu més