The drawing of the week: “A big happy family”
This week our illustrator Jessie Perpat brings us a drawing to illustrate the great news of last week. In the words of the artist, this drawing shows “How excited we … Llegiu més
This week our illustrator Jessie Perpat brings us a drawing to illustrate the great news of last week. In the words of the artist, this drawing shows “How excited we … Llegiu més
Dissabte ens vam enfrontar a l’equip grec, capitanejat pel conegudíssim Pantelis Litsardopoulos (reconec que no recordava el cognom de memòria), moltes vegades mundialista, i gairebé tantes vegades molt ben classificat … Llegiu més
Week 2 of the WTCOC21 started with a sad event: the Chinese team was disqualified for violating several rules of the competition. However, on Thursday we received wonderful news: Carcassonne … Llegiu més
Without a doubt, today is a very special day for the community that in one way or another is part of the World Team Carcassonne Online Championship. Today we are … Llegiu més