Klaus-Jürgen Wrede
Our beloved Klaus-Jürgen Wrede had to have heart surgery. It looks like the operation was a success and is recovering well. From Carcassonne.cat, Carcassonne Mexico and Carcassonne Brazil we send … Llegiu més
Our beloved Klaus-Jürgen Wrede had to have heart surgery. It looks like the operation was a success and is recovering well. From Carcassonne.cat, Carcassonne Mexico and Carcassonne Brazil we send … Llegiu més
In Catalonia we celebrate “La Revetlla de Sant Joan” (St. John’s Eve), a magical night where the summer solstice is celebrated. During “La Revetlla de Sant Joan”, families and friends … Llegiu més
Ho hem tingut a tocar. Podria ser el titular de política d’alguns diaris, però no, fem referència al Romania-Catalunya que es va jugar dijous passat. Amb el darrer esglaó del … Llegiu més
These are the winners of the WTCOC 21 special awards MVP: The award for the best WTCOC player is courtesy of Mathom, with stores in Barcelona and Sant Andreu de … Llegiu més
This is the list of awards for the winning teams and for the teams / players who deserve a special mention for their attitude or performance during the championship.