The drawing of the week: One more time
One more time, time is the key player of our illustration of the week. One of the elements that characterize worldwide competitions in Carcassonne is the time factor. Games are … Llegiu més
One more time, time is the key player of our illustration of the week. One of the elements that characterize worldwide competitions in Carcassonne is the time factor. Games are … Llegiu més
Round 5 of WTCOC21 has ended. With just two weeks left to play to qualify for the knock-out stage, there are still 23 teams still in the competition with a … Llegiu més
Ja se sap, en aquest joc i en gairebé tots, algunes vegades es guanya, i d’altres es juga contra Japó. O es perd, que és gairebé el mateix (no sempre, … Llegiu més
Today we are once again lucky enough to have a double delivery of drawings from the last week of WTCOC competition. First of all Jess Perpat has been inspired by … Llegiu més