Registration open for ETCOC 2023
After the emotions of the individual world championship, the time has come for the ETCOC registrations. Firstly, after talking to many of you in Herne and Essen, we realized that … Llegiu més
After the emotions of the individual world championship, the time has come for the ETCOC registrations. Firstly, after talking to many of you in Herne and Essen, we realized that … Llegiu més
We are very happy to officially announce the return of the ETCOC, the European Team Carcassonne Online Championship. In this way, we fulfil the aim of turning it into a … Llegiu més
El passat diumenge 16 de juliol es va jugar la fase final del Campionat Nacional Català al Club Amatent de Sant Vicenç dels Horts. En total, vuit jugadors: quatre procedents … Llegiu més
Diumenge al matí se celebrarà la fase final del Campionat de Catalunya de Carcassonne a Sant Vicenç dels Horts. A partir de les 9.30 h del matí, el Club Amatent serà … Llegiu més
After more than 2 months of competition, the WTCOC 23 already has a winner. Congratulations to the Chinese team for getting this title for the first time. In the same … Llegiu més