TOP 5 Ranking – EURO 2020
Even if we have been participating in a team event, some individual players clearly stood out. For that reason, it was decided that a TOP 5 would be made in order to highlight the performance of some specific players.
We offered each team to vote for their TOP5. 11 out of the 14 teams sent their ranking.
Here are the results:

Nocebo (team Germany) is a clear winner with more than twice more points than the 2nd player. He won the 7 duels he played and is part of the winning team. What a wonderful way to close his tournament with a 2-0 win over World champion Someone_you_know (Russia).
Zwollywood (team Netherlands) comes second of this ranking. He also played 7 duels and won 6 of them. If you focus on his opponents, you will see that he has faced some tough players like 71st (Russia), Wallaceprime (UK) or Lawyer (Ukraine) and beat all of them. His only defeat was against the 4-time World champion Navarre79 (Germany) !
Mikhail-Rus (team Russia) comes third and has a similar path as Zwollywood. He won all of his duels minus one, also against Navarre79 (Germany). He also faced some very good players and may have given some nightmares to team Ukraine beating Jubjic and Samuelsson.
World champion Dark_passenger84 (team Greece) was clearly the leader of his team. He played 6 duels and won 5 of them against great players like World Champion Mars15 (Romania), Fisherman7a, Riesemax or Szigfrid. His great results were not enough to get Greece to the quarter finals.
Danisthirty gets the last place of this top5. He played 9 times during the tournament (record shared with all the players from team Ukraine). His good overall performance led the UK to the semi-finals. He could not beat his stream partner MeepleWizard (Germany) to lead his team to the final.
Here is the amazing TOP 5 team of the ETCOC 2020.
Some teams also wanted to give a special acknowledgement to some players who didn’t enter the top 5 :
Team Ukraine decided to place Someone_you_know on the second place of their ranking even if this player didn’t meet the requirements to be eligible. Maybe a thank you for his whole career :).
Team UK wants to give a special thank you to 2 players:
- Zaharik: for not expelling one of our players from their game when his Internet connection died and he ran out of time.
- Karaboudjan: for sportingly notifying one of our players that a tile he’d drawn had been discarded.
Thank you again and see you soon on BGA tables.
The Euro Team Championship begins
Hi players from all around the world,
Thusday will be played two games of the Euro Championship.
20:30 – Netherlands vs United Kingdom
21.30 – Catalonia vs Greece
You will be able to follow the games on Boardgamearena and also the possibility….
Our friend from Germany, MeepleWizard, will stream live those games with some comments in English.
And as a novelty, you can also follow in Spanish, the complixvandh twitch channel, from Mexico.
We invite you to join the stream and share this experience.
This afternoon the draw !!
This afternoon at 16h (CEST), the draw will be held (in Spanish) live on the Discord xat of Carcassonne.cat.
You can follow it by entering the following invitation:
Sala Benvinguts, Discord Carcassonne.cat
Or watch it later on youtube.
Good luck to all teams!